Communicate Much?

So often when I talk to clients or others interested in helping their relationships, they tell me they want to learn to communicate better.

They’re disappointed at how many arguments they’re getting in.

Or they’re tired of the lack of communication they have with their partners.

Does this sound familiar?

So often we don’t fully communicate what’s on our minds because of fear.

We’re afraid of hurting someone.

Or we’re afraid of being rejected.

But when we hold back our communication, we create more distance.

And from that place, we’re more likely to be irritable or short-tempered.
And of course, this creates even more distance.

It can take humility to come forward and ask for connection when there’s been hurt feelings or long gaps.

But that’s exactly what needs to happen.

Someone needs to come forward and do something different.

Ask for understanding, ask to be heard, or apologize.

It may take some courage. But without it, the distance grows wider.

So if I could leave you with a take-away today, this would be it:

Take the risk to reconnect, even when it feels scary.

Take the risk to ask for what you want and share yourself, even if you don’t know what to say.

Just share what’s on the inside, not your judgements or criticisms.

Then you’re more likely to get heard and feel connected.

Of course, there are many practical communication techniques that I could share with you.

And because they’re body-centered, they work fantastically!

Check out the recent post on Embodied Communication for more on this.

Until next time,

P.S. If you haven’t yet received my free guide to the 3 Biggest Relationship Mistakes,
be sure to pick that up below.  It’s short but full of helpful tips for
dealing with challenging relationship patterns.
