Create Your Ideal Relationships in 2025

Set Intentions Together

Happy New Year to you! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ ๐ŸŒท ๐ŸŽ‰
Can you believe it's 2025??

Time flies, especially when we're not paying attention.  To help you manifest more of what you want for 2025, I want to offer you a couple intentional exercises here so you can create more fulfilling relationships in 2025.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿพ Reflect on 2024 Relationships
The end of the year a great time to reflect on what went well in your relationships over the year so you can celebrate yourself and learn from it too.  For example:

  • Areas you grew
  • People you deepened connections with
  • New boundaries you set
  • Moments of good communication
  • Times you celebrated or played
  • Moments you were open to learning
  • Times you spoke up for yourself
  • When you felt seen and heard


  1. Make a list of your positive moments and what your part was in each one.
  2. Remember what led up to each of these experiences.  What choices or actions did you make to get to this place?  Making this association brings your consciousness to it so you can create more moments like this in the future.  
  3. Appreciate Yourself for all the steps you took towards growth, expansion, fulfillment and learning.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿพ Set Your 2025 Intentions and Share Them
The new year is a potent time to consider areas you'd like to experience greater expansion, connection or ease and to set clear intentions and create specific steps for how you'll get there.


  1. On a piece of paper, make a list (or draw pictures, or make a vision board) of your relationship dreams and get specific with yourself about the who and what of each relationship in which you'd like to experience growth.   Ex. "greater intimacy with my husband," or "more compassion for my mother."
  2. Focus on 1 - 2 relationships for now and consider what steps you'll need to take to create each of these dreams.
  3. For each one, plot out how and when you'll take these steps.
  4. Share the above either with your beloved, a close friend or loved one to get further support with your vision.  
  5. Ask them to help you stay accountable, ex. pointing out the old pattern or habit in a friendly way (without judgement, blame or criticism) or a gentle reminder of your intention.  (If you ask for this, you must be open to hearing it without getting defensive)!
  6. Post your paper (or some artistic representation of process) in a place you can see it daily to remind yourself of your vision.  

Putting your conscious attention on what you're already doing that's working; clarifying what you're wanting to experience more; plotting out how you'll get there; and enrolling the support of a friend for your journey is a powerful process to move you towards creating your ideal relationship life.  

You deserve Loving Connection and it starts with You.

Sending you much love and healing for a prosperous 2025!!

Old habits can be tough to break.  If you know you're in a repeating cycle in a relationship, you may need deeper support to get to the source of the issue.  Please reach out if you'd like my help with this.  Schedule a FREE Relationship Breakthrough Session here. 

This post is from my recent Weekly Relationship Tips newsletter, which I don't usually put into this blog.  Want to get on my newsletter to receive my Weekly Relationship Tips and trauma-informed video trainings?  Sign up at this link below - and you'll also get my short guide to the 3 Biggest Relationship Mistakes. โฌ‡๏ธ